FMCW Lidar and Digital Holography
- Cole Hammond, Wm. Randall Babbitt, and R. Krishna Mohan, "Range selective phase-shifting frequency-modulated digital holography with temporal-heterodyning," Appl. Opt. 62, D157-D162 (2023)
- A. Goodman, R. Krishna Mohan, and Wm. Randall Babbitt, "Range selective digital holographic imaging using FMCW lidar," Appl. Opt. 61, B255-B261 (2022)
- A. Goodman, R. Krishna Mohan, Z.W. Barber and Wm. Randall Babbitt, "Digital holographic polarimeter using dual reference beam interferometry", Appl Opt. ; 60(22):6526-6537 (2021)
Spatial Spectral Technology
- Wm. Randall Babbitt "Microwave photonic processing with spatial-spectral holographic materials", Proc. SPIE 11296, Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology II, 112963L; (2020)
- Owen Wolfe, Tia Sharpe, R. Krishna Mohan, and Zeb W. Barber, "Demonstration of stimulated photon echo isolation using interferometric cancellation," Opt. Lett. 44, 371-374 (2019)
- K. D. Merkel et al., "A Photonics-based Broadband RF Spectrum Analysis and Geolocation System," 2018 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics In Defense Conference (RAPID), Miramar Beach, FL, 2018, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/RAPID.2018.8508922. (2018)
- Zeb W. Barber, Calvin Harrington, R. Krishna Mohan, Trent Jackson, Colton Stiffler, P. B. Sellin, and Kristian D. Merkel, "Spatial-spectral holographic real-time correlative optical processor with >100 Gb/s throughput," Appl. Opt. 56, 5398-5406 (2017)
- Zeb W. Barber; Calvin Harrington; Krishna Rupavatharam; Charles Thiel; Trent Jackson et al, "Spatial-Spectral Materials for High Performance Optical Processing," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC), Washington, DC, 2017, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICRC.2017.8123674. (2017)
- K. D. Merkel et al., "Extreme bandwidth spectrum analysis," 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Waikoloa, HI, 2016, pp. 487-488, doi: 10.1109/IPCon.2016.7831193 (2016)
- Zeb Barber; Calvin Harrington; R. Krishna Mohan; Colton Stiffler; Trent Jackson et al., "Efficient spectral and correlative processing with spatial-spectral holography," 2016 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), Newport Beach, CA, 2016, pp. 112-113, doi: 10.1109/PHOSST.2016.7548778
- Babbitt, W. R., Barber, Z. W., Bekker, S. H., Chase, M. D., Harrington, C., Merkel, K. D., Mohan, R. K., Sharpe, T., Stiffler, C. R., Traxinger, A. S., and Woidtke, A. J. “From Spectral Holeburning Memory to Spatial-Spectral Microwave Signal Processing” Laser Physics 24, no. 9 (2014): 094002. doi:10.1088/1054-660X/24/9/094002,
- T. Sharpe, C. McCann, C. Harrington, R. K. Mohan, Z. Barber, and W. R. Babbitt, "Ultra-wideband Cueing Receiver based on Spatial-Spectral Holographic Rainbow Spectrometer," in CLEO: 2014, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper AW3H.1.
- R. K. Mohan, C. Harrington, T. Sharpe, Z. W. Barber and W. R. Babbitt, "Broadband multi-emitter signal analysis and direction finding using a dual-port interferometric photonic spectrum analyzer based on spatial-spectral materials," 2013 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), Alexandria, VA, 2013, pp. 241-244, doi: 10.1109/MWP.2013.6724065.
- K. D. Merkel et al., "Continuous wideband spectrum analysis over 10 GHz bandwidth with 61 dBc spur-free dynamic range," 2013 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), Alexandria, VA, 2013, pp. 297-300, doi: 10.1109/MWP.2013.6724080
- Babbitt, W. R., Merkel, K. D., Bekker, S. H., Stiffler, C. R., Sellin, P. B., Barber, Z. W., Mohan, R. K., and Harrington, C. H. “Extreme Bandwidth Analyzer and Correlator for Broadband Spectrum Analysis and Direction Finding” 2012 Ieee Aerospace Conference (2012):
- Mohan, R. K., Barber, Z. W., Harrington, C., and Babbitt, W. R. “Frequency Resolved Angle and Time Difference of Arrival Estimation With Spatial Spectral Holography” 2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication Ofc Collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference OFC-NFOEC (2010):
- Barber, Z. W., Harrington, C., Thiel, C. W., Babbitt, W. R., and Krishna Mohan, R. “Angle of Arrival Estimation Using Spectral Interferometry” Journal of Luminescence 130, no. 9 (2010): 1614–1618. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2009.12.021,
- Barber, Z. W., Harrington, C., Babbitt, W. R., and Mohan, R. K. “Spatial Spectral Interferometer for Frequency Resolved Angle of Arrival Estimation” 2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS) (2010):
- R. K. Mohan, Z. W. Barber, C. Harrington and W. R. Babbitt, "Frequency resolved angle and time difference of arrival estimation with spatial spectral holography," 2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC/NFOEC), collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, San Diego, CA, 2010, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1364/OFC.2010.OWF3.
- W. R. Babbitt and Z. W. Barber, "Broadband Optical Delay and Filtering in Spectrally Structured Materials," in Advances in Optical Sciences Congress, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper JWB5.
- Reibel, R. R., Harrington, C., Dahl, J., Ostrander, C., Roos, P. A., Berg, T., Mohan, R. K., Neifeld, M. A., and Babbitt, W. R. “Demonstrations of Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using a Frequency Domain Stretched Processor” Optics Express 17, no. 14 (2009): 11281–11286. doi:10.1364/OE.17.011281,
- Reibel, R. R., Harrington, C. C., Dahl, J. R., Ostrander, C. N., Roos, P. A., Mohan, R. K., and Babbitt, W. R. “Demonstration of Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using Spatial-Spectral Holography” (2008):
- Reibel, R. R., Harrington, C., Dahl, J., Ostrander, C., Roos, P. A., Mohan, R. K., Babbitt, W. R., and Berg, T. J. “Demonstrations of Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using a Frequency Domain Stretched Processor” (2008):
- Kunkee, E. T., Tsai, K., Smith, A. D., Junga, T., Lembo, L., Davisa, R., Babbitt, W. R., Krishna-Mohan, R., Cole, Z., Merkeld, K. D., and Wagner, K. H. “Photonically-Enabled RF Spectrum Analyzer Demonstration” Enabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications Iv 6975, (2008): 697506.
- Renner, C. J., Reibel, R. R., Tian, M., Chang, T., and Babbitt, W. R. “Broadband Photonic Arbitrary Waveform Generation Based on Spatial-Spectral Holographic Materials” Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 24, no. 12 (2007): 2979–2987. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.24.002979,
- Mohan, R. K., Chang, T., Tian, M., Bekker, S., Olson, A., Ostrander, C., Khallaayoun, A., Dollinger, C., Babbitt, W. R., Cole, Z., Reibel, R. R., Merkel, K. D., Sun, Y., Cone, R., Schlottau, F., and Wagner, K. H. “Ultra-Wideband Spectral Analysis Using S2 Technology” Journal of Luminescence 127, no. 1 (2007): 116–128. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.016,
- Cole, Z., Roos, P. A., Berg, T., Kaylor, B., Merkel, K. D., Babbitt, W. R., and Reibel, R. R. “Unambiguous Range-Doppler LADAR Processing Using 2 Giga-Sample-per-Second Noise Waveforms” Journal of Luminescence 127, no. 1 (2007): 146–151. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.017,
- Babbitt, W. R., Neifeld, M. A., and Merkel, K. D. “Broadband Analog to Digital Conversion with Spatial-Spectral Holography” Journal of Luminescence 127, no. 1 (2007): 152–157. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.018,
- Murray, J., Li, H., Tian, M., Babbitt, W. R., and Chang, T. “Efficiency and Uniformity Considerations in Optical Coherent Transient Devices” Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 23, no. 5 (2006): 795–800. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.23.000795,
- Li, Y., Hoskins, A., Schlottau, F., Wagner, K. H., Embry, C., and Babbitt, W. R. “Ultrawideband Coherent Noise Lidar Range-Doppler Imaging and Signal Processing by Use of Spatial-Spectral Holography in Inhomogeneously Broadened Absorbers” Applied Optics 45, no. 25 (2006): 6409–6420. doi:10.1364/AO.45.006409,
- Harris, T. L., Merkel, K. D., Mohan, R. K., Chang, T. J., Cole, Z., Olson, A., and Babbitt, W. R. “Multigigahertz Range-Doppler Correlative Signal Processing in Optical Memory Crystals” Applied Optics 45, no. 2 (2006): 343–352. doi:10.1364/AO.45.000343,
- Schlottau, F., Colice, M., Wagner, K. H., and Babbitt, W. R. “Spectral Hole Burning for Wideband, High-Resolution Radio-Frequency Spectrum Analysis” Optics Letters 30, no. 22 (2005): 3003–3005. doi:10.1364/OL.30.003003,
- Schlottau, E., Colice, M., Wagner, K. H., and Babbitt, W. R. “Spectral Hole Burning for Wideband, High-Resolution Radio-Frequency Spectrum Analysis.” Optics letters 30, no. 22 (2005): 3003–5.
- Renner, C. J., Chang, T. J., Reibel, R. R., Tian, M. Z., and Babbitt, W. R. “Photonic Chirp Compression and Arbitrary Waveform Generation for Micro and Millimeter-Wave Applications” (2005):
- Reibel, R. R., Merkel, K. D., Cole, Z., Benson, D. E., and Babbitt, W. R. “Real-Time Wideband Optical Processing of S- and X-Band Signals for Advanced Radar Systems” (2005):
- Hoskins, A., Li, Y. Z., Schlottau, F., Wagner, K. H., Embry, C., and Babbitt, W. R. “Coherent LIDAR Range Sensing by Use of Spatial-Spectral Holography” Laser Radar Technology and Applications X 5791, (2005): 109–119.
- Chang, T. J., Tian, M. Z., Mohan, R. K., Renner, C., Merkel, K. D., and Babbitt, W. R. “Recovery Technique for Chirped Readout of Spectral Features” (2005):
- Chang, T., Tian, M. Z., Mohan, R. K., Renner, C., Merkel, K. D., and Babbitt, W. R. “Recovery of Spectral Features Readout with Frequency-Chirped Laser Fields” Optics Letters 30, no. 10 (2005): 1129–1131. doi:10.1364/OL.30.001129,
- Babbitt, W. R. “Microwave Signal Processing with Spatial-Spectral Holography” 2005 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings (LEOS) (2005): 835–836.
- Reibel, R. R., Chang, T. J., Tian, M. Z., and Babbitt, W. R. “Optical Linear Sideband Chirp Compression for Microwave Arbitrary Waveform Generation” (2004):
- Reibel, R. R., Barber, Z. W., Fischer, J. A., Tian, M., and Babbitt, W. R. “Broadband Demonstrations of True-Time Delay Using Linear Sideband Chirped Programming and Optical Coherent Transients” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 103–113. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.004,
- Reibel, R. ., Barber, Z. ., Fischer, J. ., Tian, M., and Babbitt, W. . “Broadband Demonstrations of True-Time Delay Using Linear Sideband Chirped Programming and Optical Coherent Transients” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 103–113. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.004,
- Neifeld, M. A., Babbitt, W. R., Mohan, R. K., and Craig, A. E. “Power Budget Analysis of Image-Plane Storage in Spectral Hole-Burning Materials” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 114–121. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.052,
- Mohan, R. K., Cole, Z., Reibel, R. R., Chang, T. J., Merkel, K. D., Babbitt, W. R., Colice, M., Schlottau, F., and Wagner, K. H. “Microwave Spectral Analysis Using Optical Spectral Holeburning” (2004):
- Mohan, R. K., Chang, T., Merkel, K. D., and Babbitt, W. R. “Coding Considerations for High Bandwidth Analog Optical Signal Processing Applications Based on Spectral Holography” Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing 5362, (2004): 20–30.
- Merkel, K. D., Mohan, R. K., Cole, Z., Chang, T., Olson, A., and Babbitt, W. R. “Multi-Gigahertz Radar Range Processing of Baseband and RF Carrier Modulated Signals in Tm : YAG” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 62–74. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.038,
- Harris, T. L., Babbitt, W. R., Merkel, K. D., Mohan, R. K., Cole, Z., and Olson, A. “Multi-Gigahertz Range-Doppler Correlative Processing in Crystals” Advanced Optical and Quantum Memories and Computing 5362, (2004): 31–42.
- Colice, M., Schlottau, F., Wagner, K., Mohan, R. K., Babbitt, W. R., Lorgere, I., and Gouet, J. L. Le. “RF Spectrum Analysis in Spectral Hole Burning Media” Optical Information Systems Ii 5557, (2004): 132–139.
- Chang, T. J., Tian, M. Z., and Babbitt, W. R. “Numerical Modeling of Optical Coherent Transient Processes with Complex Configurations - I. Angled Beam Geometry” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 129–137. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.005,
- Chang, T. J., Mohan, R. K., Tian, M. Z., Harris, T. L., Babbitt, W. R., and Merkel, K. D. “Frequency-Chirped Readout of Spatial-Spectral Absorption Features” Physical Review A 70, no. 6 (2004): 063803. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.70.063803,
- Chang, T., Tian, M., W. Barber, Z., and Randall Babbitt, W. “Numerical Modeling of Optical Coherent Transient Processes with Complex configurations—II. Angled Beams with Arbitrary Phase Modulations” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 138–145. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.006,
- Burr, G. W., Harris, T. L., Babbitt, W. R., and Jefferson, C. M. “Incorporating Excitation-Induced Dephasing into the Maxwell-Bloch Numerical Modeling of Photon Echoes” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): 314–331. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.034,
- Babbitt, W. R., Cone, R. L., Rebane, A., and Equall, R. W. “Proceedings of the Eighth International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications - Held in Bozeman, MT, USA - 27-31 July 2003 - Preface” Journal of Luminescence 107, no. 1-4 (2004): VII–VIII. doi:10.1016/j.lumin.2003.12.011,
- Merkel, K. D., Cole, Z., Mohan, R. K., and Babbitt, W. R. “The Spatial-Spectral Coherent Holographic Integrating Processor (S-2-CHIP): Performance Analysis and 1.0 Gb/s Demonstration” Advanced Optical Data Storage 4988, (2003): 112–119.
- Tian, M., Reibel, R., Barber, Z., and Babbitt, W. R. “Nutational Stimulated Photon Echoes” Optics Letters 27, no. 13 (2002): 1156. doi:10.1364/OL.27.001156,
- Tian, M., Barber, Z., Chang, T., Reibel, R., and Babbitt, W. R. “Temporal and Spatial Behavior of Photon Echoes Stimulated from Long Pulses” Journal of Luminescence 98, no. 1-4 (2002): 367–374. doi:10.1016/S0022-2313(02)00291-0,
- Reibel, R. R., Barber, Z., Tian, M., Babbitt, W. R., Cole, Z., and Merkel, K. D. “Amplification of High-Bandwidth Phase-Modulated Signals at 793 Nm” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 19, no. 10 (2002): 2315. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.19.002315,
- Reibel, R., Barber, Z., Tian, M., and Babbitt, W. R. “Temporally Overlapped Linear Frequency-Chirped Pulse Programming for True-Time-Delay Applications” Optics Letters 27, no. 7 (2002): 494. doi:10.1364/OL.27.000494,
- Reibel, R., Barber, Z., Tian, M., and Babbitt, W. . “High Bandwidth Spectral Gratings Programmed with Linear Frequency Chirps” Journal of Luminescence 98, no. 1-4 (2002): 355–365. doi:10.1016/S0022-2313(02)00290-9,
- Cole, Z., Bottger, T., Mohan, R. K., Reibel, R., Babbitt, W. R., Cone, R. L., and Merkel, K. D. “Coherent Integration of 0.5 GHz Spectral Holograms at 1536 Nm Using Dynamic Biphase Codes” Applied Physics Letters 81, no. 19 (2002): 3525–3527. doi:10.1063/1.1518152,
- Barber, Z., Tian, M., Reibel, R., and Babbitt, W. “Optical Pulse Shaping Using Optical Coherent Transients” Optics Express 10, no. 20 (2002): 1145. doi:10.1364/OE.10.001145,
- Tian, M. Z., Zhao, J., Cole, Z., Reibel, R., and Babbitt, W. R. “Dynamics of Broadband Accumulated Spectral Gratings in Tm3+: YAG” Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 18, no. 5 (2001): 673–678. doi:10.1364/JOSAB.18.000673,
- Tian, M. Z., Reibel, R., and Babbitt, W. R. “Demonstration of Optical Coherent Transient True-Time Delay at 4 Gbits/s” Optics Letters 26, no. 15 (2001): 1143–1145. doi:10.1364/OL.26.001143,
- Tian, M. Z., Reibel, R., and Babbitt, W. R. “Demonstration of Broadband True-Time Delay with Optical Coherent Transients” (2001):
- Merkel, K. D., Peters, R. D., Sellin, P. B., Repasky, K. S., and Babbitt, W. R. “Accumulated Programming of a Complex Spectral Grating” Optics Letters 25, no. 22 (2000): 1627–1629. doi:10.1364/OL.25.001627,
- Merkel, K. D., Cole, Z., and Babbitt, W. R. “Signal Correlator with Programmable Variable Time Delay Based on Optical Coherent Transients” Journal of Luminescence 86, no. 3-4 (2000): 375–382. doi:10.1016/S0022-2313(00)00181-2,
- Merkel, K. D. and Babbitt, W. R. “Continuous Waveform Variable True-Time Delay by Optical Coherent Transients” Optics Communications 180, no. 1-3 (2000): 103–110. doi:10.1016/S0030-4018(00)00696-9,
- Harris, T. L., Sun, Y., Babbitt, W. R., Cone, R. L., Ritcey, J. A., and Equall, R. W. “Spatial-Spectral Holographic Correlator at 1536 Nm Using 30-Symbol Quadriphase- and Binary-Phase-Shift Keyed Codes” Optics Letters 25, no. 2 (2000): 85–87. doi:10.1364/OL.25.000085,
- Merkel, K. D. and Babbitt, W. R. “Optical Coherent Transient Continuously Programmed Continuous Processor” Optics Letters 24, no. 3 (1999): 172–174. doi:10.1364/OL.24.000172,
- Merkel, K. D., Babbitt, W. R., Anderson, K. E., and Wagner, K. H. “Variable-Time-Delay Optical Coherent Transient Signal Processing” Optics Letters 24, no. 20 (1999): 1386–1388. doi:10.1364/OL.24.00138
Spatial Spectral Materials
- Lou J. Oberto, Zeb W. Barber, and Wm. Randall Babbitt, "Nonlinear recovery of narrow spectral features with fast chirped readout," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 2963-2969 (2018)
- Thiel, C. W., Sinclair, N., Tittel, W., and Cone, R. L. “Optical Decoherence Studies of Tm^3+:Y_3Ga_5O_12” Physical Review B90, no. 21 (2014): doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.214301, Available at
- Thiel, C. W., Macfarlane, R. M., Sun, Y., Böttger, T., Sinclair, N., Tittel, W., and Cone, R. L. “Measuring and Analyzing Excitation-Induced Decoherence in Rare-Earth-Doped Optical Materials” Laser Physics24, no. 10 (2014): 106002. doi:10.1088/1054-660X/24/10/106002,
- Böttger, T., Thiel, C. W., Sun, Y., Macfarlane, R. M., and Cone, R. L. “Decoherence and Absorption of Er3+:KTiOPO4 (KTP) at 1.5 Μm” Journal of Luminescence(2014): doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.11.014, Available at
- Ferrier, A., Thiel, C., Tumino, B., Ramirez, M., Bausá, L., Cone, R., Ikesue, A., and Goldner, P. “Narrow Inhomogeneous and Homogeneous Optical Linewidths in a Rare Earth Doped Transparent Ceramic” Physical Review B87, no. 4 (2013): 041102. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.87.041102,
- Sun, Y., Thiel, C., and Cone, R. “Optical Decoherence and Energy Level Structure of 0.1%Tm3+:LiNbO3” Physical Review B85, no. 16 (2012): 165106. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.165106,
- Tian, M., Chang, T., Merkel, K. D., and Randall, W. “Reconfiguration of Spectral Absorption Features Using a Frequency-Chirped Laser Pulse” Applied Optics50, no. 36 (2011): 6548–6554. doi:10.1364/AO.50.006548,
- Thiel, C. W. and Cone, R. L. “Investigating Material Trends and Lattice Relaxation Effects for Understanding Electron Transfer Phenomena in Rare-Earth-Doped Optical Materials” Journal of Luminescence131, no. 3 (2011): 386–395. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2010.09.025,
- Thiel, C. W., Sun, Y., Böttger, T., Babbitt, W. R., and Cone, R. L. “Optical Decoherence and Persistent Spectral Hole Burning in Tm3+:LiNbO3” Journal of Luminescence130, no. 9 (2010): 1598–1602. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2009.12.019,
- Thiel, C. W., Böttger, T., and Cone, R. L. “Rare-Earth-Doped Materials for Applications in Quantum Information Storage and Signal Processing” Journal of Luminescence131, no. 3 (2011): 353–361. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2010.12.015,
- Thiel, C. W., Macfarlane, R. M., Böttger, T., Sun, Y., Cone, R. L., and Babbitt, W. R. “Optical Decoherence and Persistent Spectral Hole Burning in Er3+:LiNbO3” Journal of Luminescence130, no. 9 (2010): 1603–1609. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2009.12.020,
- Böttger, T., Thiel, C., Cone, R., and Sun, Y. “Effects of Magnetic Field Orientation on Optical Decoherence in Er3+:Y2SiO5” Physical Review B79, no. 11 (2009): 115104. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.79.115104,
Quantum Information Processing
- Thiel, C. W., Sinclair, N., Tittel, W., and Cone, R. L. “Tm3+∶Y3Ga5O12 Materials for Spectrally Multiplexed Quantum Memories” Physical Review Letters113, no. 16 (2014): 160501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.160501
- Krovi, H., Dutton, Z., Guha, S., Fuchs, C., Tittel, Wolfgang, Simon, C., Slater, J. A., Heshami, K., Hedges, M. P., Kanter, G. S., Huang, Y.-P., and Thiel, C. “Long Range Quantum Key Distribution Using Frequency Multiplexing in Broadband Solid State Memories” CLEO: 2014(2014): FTu1A.5. doi:10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2014.FTu1A.5, Available at
- Cone, R. L., Thiel, C. W., Sun, Y., Böttger, T., and Macfarlane, R. M. “Quantum Information, Laser Frequency Stabilization, and Optical Signal Processing with Rare-Earth Doped Materials” Frontiers in Optics 2013(2013): LTu1G.3. doi:10.1364/LS.2013.LTu1G.3, Available at
- Mahmood Sabooni, Qian Li, Lars Rippe, R. Krishna Mohan, and Stefan Kröll, "Spectral Engineering of Slow Light, Cavity Line Narrowing, and Pulse Compression" Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, (2013) 183602, doi:
- Thiel, C. W., Sun, Y., Macfarlane, R. M., Böttger, T., and Cone, R. L. “Rare-Earth-Doped LiNbO3 and KTiOPO4 (KTP) for Waveguide Quantum Memories” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics45, no. 12 (2012): 124013. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/45/12/124013,
- Thiel, C., Babbitt, W., and Cone, R. “Optical Decoherence Studies of Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate Y2SiO5 Codoped with Er3+ and Eu3+ for Optical Signal Processing and Quantum Information Applications at 1.5 Microns” Physical Review B85, no. 17 (2012): 174302. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.85.174302,
- Cone, R. L., Thiel, C. W., Sun, Y., Böttger, T., and Macfarlane, R. M. “Rare-Earth-Doped Materials with Application to Optical Signal Processing, Quantum Information Science, and Medical Imaging Technology” 8272, (2012): 82720E–82720E–13. doi:10.1117/12.909154, Available at
- Rebane, A. K., Thiel, C. W., Mohan, R. K., and Cone, R. L. “Maximum Coherence in Optical Transitions in Rare-Earth-Ionactivated Solids” 7611, (2010): 76110H–76110H–11. doi:10.1117/12.848879, Available at
- Rebane, A. K., Thiel, C. W., Mohan, R. K., and Cone, R. L. “Slow Decoherence and the Radiative Decay Limit in Rare-Earth-Doped Crystals for Coherent Optical Storage” Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics74, no. 7 (2010): 891–900. doi:10.3103/S1062873810070014,
- Tian, M., Zafarullah, I., Chang, T., Mohan, R. K., and Babbitt, W. R. “Demonstration of Geometric Operations on the Bloch Vectors in an Ensemble of Rare-Earth Metal Atoms” Physical Review A79, no. 2 (2009): 022312. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.79.022312,
- Zafarullah, I., Tian, M., Chang, T., and Babbitt, W. R. “Preparation of Inverted Medium and Processing in the Inverted Medium” Journal of Luminescence127, no. 1 (2007): 158–163. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2007.02.019,
- Tian, M., Barber, Z. W., Fischer, J. A., and Randall Babbitt, W. “The Geometric Phase in Two-Level Atomic Systems” Journal of Luminescence107, no. 1-4 (2004): 155–159. doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2003.12.031,
- Tian, M., Barber, Z., Fischer, J., and Babbitt, W. “Geometric Manipulation of the Quantum States of Two-Level Atoms” Physical Review A69, no. 5 (2004): doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.69.050301, Available at
- Tian, M., Reibel, R., Barber, Z., Fischer, J., and Babbitt, W. “Observation of the Geometric Phase Using Photon Echoes” Physical Review A67, no. 1 (2003): doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.67.011403, Available at
Lidar/Ladar Signal processing and Coherent Imaging
- R. Babbitt; K. M. Drummond; B. M. Kaylor; R. R. Reibel, “Adaptive three-dimensional feature specific imaging,”Opt. Eng. 54(3) 031104 (2015).
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Barber, Z. W., Renner, C., Reibel, R. R., Wagemann, S. S., Babbitt, W. R., and Roos, P. A. “Conditions for Highly Efficient Anti-Stokes Conversion in Gas-Filled Hollow Core Waveguides” Optics Express 18, no. 7 (2010): 7131. doi:10.1364/OE.18.007131,